How Much Do These Types Of Windows Cost?

Impact windows remain the best and most effective solution for home owners to protect their homes against storms, hurricanes and other severe weather condition. Though these windows are popular in homes located in places that are susceptible to hurricanes and storms, there are still many people who do not know what these windows are and their costs.

So, what is the cost of these types of windows?

Though the average cost of impact resistant windows in 2013 was estimated to be $572, there is however no standard cost of these types of windows. This is because there are a couple of factors which determines the price of the windows. The cost of the windows will vary depending on these factors.

Materials used 

The best impact windows are made from aluminum and steel. Hurricane resistant windows made from steel are more expensive than impact windows which are made from aluminum. This is because they are stronger than their aluminum counterparts and can therefore provide adequate protection for homes.


Size is also among the factors which determine the cost of these windows. The bigger the size of the window, the more costly the windows is. Similarly, the bigger the size of the window, the higher the costs of installing the window.

Installation costs 

Different types of windows have different installation costs. The higher the cost of installing these windows, the higher the price of the window. Some types of windows require a lot of expertise, labor and time to install than others. Therefore, such windows will have a higher cost than windows which require less expertise, labor and time to install.


The cost of these windows will also be determined by location. Impact windows are more expensive in some states. For instance, the cost of impact windows in California is quite different from the cost of in Texas or Florida. In this regard, you should find out how the different types of impact resistant windows are sold in your home state.

Protection options 

The protection options offered by these windows also determine the cost of the windows. Some of the common protection options include shutters and panels. Some windows also come with an extra protection film layer. Generally, the more protection options the window offers, the higher the cost of the window. This is simply due to the fact that, impact resistant windows which have more protection features can adequately protect homes in the event of a storm.

You have just learned about some of the main factors that determine the price of storm proof windows, you will now have a better understanding of what the cost is comprised of.  The next thing you will want to do is to contact 3 to 5  window companies that are close to you and ask them to come out and give you a written estimate.  This will allow you to compare the cost of the windows and as a result will help you to make a more informed decision.  Click this web page for more information.


The Window Experts

101 NE 3 Avenue

Fort Lauderdale FL. 33301



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